Silver-Wood Women's Institute


Membership Opportunities

Would you like to:

  • embrace the chance to do more for yourself and your community?
  • improve the quality of life for your family, friends, community and the world?
  • advocate more effectively on a broad spectrum of issues?
  • discover your talents and hone your public speaking and leadership skills?
  • interpret and record local history in Tweedsmuir History Books?
  • share fun and fellowship?
  • make your home and country a better place to live?

Then, Be active! Be involved! Be a Member!

Join the Women's Institute!

The Women's Institute is a not-for-profit charitable organization with over 125 years of experience providing quality education to its communities. Over 500 Women's Institute Branches are located in communities throughout Ontario.


There are two kinds of Membership:


A Branch Membership includes

  • attending regular monthly meetings, with guest speakers, topic discussions and demonstrations
  • participating in diverse activities, such as courses, crafts, workshops and competitions
  • receiving the Women's Institute provincial newsletter
  • sharing and discovering your leadership skills and other talents
  • full voting privileges at Branch, District and Area meetings
  • membership with the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada (FWIC), which provides the opportunity to attend their national triennial convention, to participate in national programs, to support the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead (home of the co-founder of the Women's Institute) and to lobby with a national voice
  • membership with the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW), which provides the opportunity to attend their triennial world conference, to support projects and women in the developing world and to lobby the United Nations on behalf of women and their families worldwide.

Branch Membership Fee - determined  yearly, payable directly to the Branch

(plus an additional nominal fee decided at the Branch level for annual programs)


An Associate Membership is ideal for anyone who would like to contribute to the interests of the Women's Institute, but is unable to participate at the Branch level.

An Associate Membership includes

       (a) receiving the Women's Institute provincial newsletter

       (b) the opportunity to attend and to participate at the District, Area  and Provincial Annuals, as well as the National Convention and the International Conference

For the following District & Area fees may apply:

       (c) voting privileges at both the District and Provincial Annual meeting

       (d) the opportunity to hold office

       (e) membership with FWIC and ACWW (as outlined above).

Associate Membership Fee - please contact office at

                                                                            Be active, Be Involved, Be a member of Silver-Wood W.I.

                       Contact Linda Semerko at 289-839-3368 for more information


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